Retired New Orleans police officer who saved Lil Wayne as a kid dies at 65


Retired New Orleans police officer who saved Lil Wayne as a kid dies at 65

Everybody who has followed Lil Wayne's career has heard the story about a white New Orleans police officer who saved his life as a child. According to NOLA, Robert Hoobler, often known as Uncle Bob, died on Friday (July 22) in his Old Jefferson home.

Daniel Nelson, Hoobler's grandson, said his grandfather, 65, had suffered for years with health concerns connected to a vehicle accident and diabetes, which finally led to his legs being amputated. Former NYPD officer David Lapene described Lil Wayne's description of what transpired as "one of the better anecdotes that captures Hoobler as a person."

Lil Wayne shot himself inadvertently when he was 12 years old, but it turned out to be a suicide attempt. The future rap legend was reportedly irritated when his mother forbade him from rapping as a punishment for skipping school.

"I was simply looking at myself in the mirror and thinking, 'You know what?'" "I started thinking I had to get myself angry, and then I realized I didn't have to — that's what worried me," Wayne said in a 2021 interview with ex-NFL player Emmanual Acho. "I pulled the trigger because I suspected I had mental health issues."

Wayne recalls police officers walking over his bloodied body to hunt for drugs and weapons when they came. Hoobler, who happened to be off-duty at the moment, arrived and transported Lil Wayne to the hospital.

"[He] grabbed me up and just started saying something like, 'You not going to die on me,'" he explained. "So he drove me to the hospital... He double-checked that I was okay." Lil Wayne never forgot about Hoobler and praised him at the 2018 BET Hip Hop Awards when collecting the I Am Hip Hop award.

Wayne mentioned a man in New Orleans. Uncle Bob is his name. He came into an apartment one day and busted open the door with pistols drawn. He didn't see anyone. He noticed his legs on the floor. It was my thighs. He noticed blood everywhere. A swarm of cops jumped over him, but he resisted.

“I never knew — I talked to him the other day — I never knew EMS was on the scene. He said EMS tried twice and they told him there was nothing. He refused to let that die. Forget an ambulance, he brought me to the hospital himself. He refused to wait, kicked in the doors, and said, ‘Do whatever you gotta do to make sure this child makes it.’”

He continued, “Not only that, that day Uncle Bob was a homicide detective. He was off on detail. He just heard the call and came. Not only did he refuse to sit … he refused to leave. He stayed and made sure I made it.”
