Gunna Will Plead The 5th If Called To Testify Against YSL According To Lawyer - WhatsOnRap

Gunna’s lawyer says he will not testify against Young Thug and will plead the 5th if he’s called to testify

According to Gunna's attorney, Steve Sadow, the rapper expects to plead the 5th if summoned to testify against YSL. Gunna recently accepted a plea agreement in order to be freed from Fulton County Jail.

"Yes, but he'll take the 5th and not testify," Sadow stated in communications obtained by The Neighborhood Talk.

Gunna accepted the settlement in the courts on Wednesday. The judge sentenced him to five years in prison with one year served. However, the four remaining years were deferred, and instead, he will be subject to additional restrictions including 500 hours of community service.

“While I have agreed to always be truthful, I want to make it perfectly clear that I have NOT made any statements, have NOT been interviewed, have NOT cooperated, have NOT agreed to testify or be a witness for or against any party in the case and have absolutely NO intention of being involved in the trial process in any way,” Gunna said in a statement.

Following the reply, people online assumed Gunna had snitched on his colleagues. Sadow put these speculations to bed with a post on Instagram later.

"Gunna did not snitch to get out of jail," Sadow wrote. "He has said nothing and is not cooperating. His plea statement cannot be used in court against any other defendant. So please stop spreading lies.”

However, for Young Thug, his trial will start in January. His lawyer, Brian Steel, claims that plea bargains given to other YSL members prove his client is being targeted.
