Eminem Tells GOP Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy Stop Using ‘Lose Yourself’ At Campaign Stops - WhatsOnRap

Eminem's Plea: Stop Using 'Lose Yourself' at Campaign Events.

Eminem is taking a stand against Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy's use of his hit song "Lose Yourself" during campaign stops. The renowned rapper is leveraging BMI's "political entities" license to demand an end to the song's usage on the campaign trail.

Video of US Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy performing Eminem's song "Lose Yourself":

In a letter obtained by WhatsOnRap, BMI formally reached out to Ramaswamy's campaign, requesting the cessation of Eminem's music usage. This action comes after a viral video captured Ramaswamy rapping the lyrics to "Lose Yourself" at an event in Iowa. Eminem's move invokes his rights under BMI's Political Entities License, which empowers artists to immediately withdraw their music from political campaigns' use under the blanket license.

The letter from BMI clearly stated, "This letter serves as notice that the Eminem Works are excluded from the Agreement effective immediately. BMI will consider any performance of the Eminem Works by the Vivek 2024 campaign from this date forward to be a material breach of the agreement for which BMI reserves all rights and remedies." Ramaswamy's campaign has yet to respond to this development.

Eminem Demand GOP Candidate To Stop Using His Music.
Musicians have frequently expressed displeasure over the use of their songs by politicians, particularly those from conservative parties. Past instances include Foo Fighters and John Mellencamp criticizing John McCain's use of their music in the 2008 presidential election, and artists like Neil Young, Guns N' Roses, Pharrell, Rihanna, and Tom Petty's estate objecting to their music being played at events for Donald Trump's campaigns.

Political campaigns typically hold blanket licenses from ASCAP and BMI for the public performance of copyrighted music, granting access to a wide range of songs. However, due to ongoing controversies, both organizations have introduced specialized licenses for political entities, allowing artists to exclude specific songs from a campaign's blanket deal.

Eminem's decision to invoke this provision underscores his stance. BMI's letter cites, "BMI has received a communication from Marshall B. Mathers, III, professionally known as Eminem, objecting to the Vivek Ramaswamy campaign’s use of Eminem’s musical compositions and requesting that BMI remove all Eminem Works from the Agreement."

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