Howard University Takes Back Diddy’s Honorary Degree and Refunds $1 Million Donation Amid Cassie Assault Video Releas

Howard University Revokes Diddy’s Honorary Degree and Returns $1 Million Donation After Cassie Assault Video Emerges

Howard University Cancels Diddy's Honorary Degree and Returns Donation Over Assault Video

In a decisive move, Howard University's Board of Trustees has voted unanimously to revoke the honorary Doctor of Humanities degree awarded to Sean "Diddy" Combs. 

The decision, reported by The Hilltop, the university's student newspaper, stems from recent developments involving the music mogul.

Diddy received the honorary degree in 2014, but a disturbing video that surfaced recently showing him assaulting Cassie in 2016 prompted the board to take swift action. 

In their statement, the university cited the video as fundamentally incompatible with Howard's core values and beliefs. The statement reads: 

All honors and privileges associated with the degree, will also be revoked. Accordingly, the Board has directed that his name be removed from all documents listing honorary degree recipients of Howard University. The University is unwavering in its opposition to all acts of interpersonal violence. The Board has also directed the University administration to immediately take the following actions: terminate a 2016 gift agreement with Mr. Combs, disband the scholarship program in his name, return his $1 million contribution, and terminate a 2023 pledge agreement with the Sean Combs Foundation. No payments toward the $1 million pledge have been due or made by the Sean Combs Foundation as of this date, therefore no funds are due to be returned under the 2023 pledge agreement.

- Howard University​ Statement

Diddy’s Honorary Degree Revoked by Howard University Following Cassie Assault Video; $1 Million Donation Returned.

Revocation of All Honors

The university emphasized that all honors and privileges associated with the degree would be revoked. 

The board has directed that Diddy's name be removed from all documents listing honorary degree recipients. 

This measure underscores the institution's commitment to upholding its values and maintaining the integrity of its honors system.

Financial Contributions Returned

In addition to revoking the honorary degree, Howard University has decided to return Diddy's $1 million donation. 

The board also canceled a pledge from Diddy to donate an additional $1 million. 

The decision to return these funds and terminate the pledge agreement with the Sean Combs Foundation was part of a broader effort to dissociate the university from Diddy in light of the assault video. 

Termination of Agreements and Scholarship Program

The termination of the 2016 gift agreement and the disbanding of the scholarship program in Diddy's name are significant steps. 

The board’s directive ensures that the university does not benefit from contributions associated with Diddy, aligning with its stance against interpersonal violence.

Diddy's Response

In response to the controversy, Diddy released an apology video following the release of the 2016 footage. 

The video depicted the Bad Boy Records founder kicking and dragging Cassie at a hotel, leading to widespread outrage and condemnation. 

Despite the apology, the university's actions indicate a zero-tolerance policy towards such behavior, reinforcing its commitment to fostering a safe and respectful community.

Howard University's revocation of Diddy's honorary degree and the return of his financial contributions mark a significant response to the disturbing allegations. 

The university’s firm stance reflects its unwavering commitment to maintaining its values and ensuring that those honored by the institution exemplify the highest standards of conduct.

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