Meek Mill Playfully Teases DJ Akademiks About Podcast Deal, Akademiks Claps Back With Fiery Response

Meek Mill and DJ Akademiks Engage in Twitter Banter Over Podcasting Proposition

Meek Mill Declines Akademiks' Podcast Offer Despite Lucrative Deal Proposal
Meek Mill has confidently turned down an enticing offer from Akademiks to host his proposed podcast, asserting that he doesn't require the controversial host's financial backing.

In a series of tweets on Sunday (March 17), the Dreams & Nightmares rapper derided Ak's million-dollar proposal, asserting his financial superiority over anyone associated with Akademiks. Meek emphasized that monetary concerns were not hindering his podcast aspirations. Meek began:

I’m richer than everybody that deal with you lol. Not like a finance podcast deal thing lol I hang around all billionaires and I’m caked up … you streaming for your chair getting drunk … I’m changing laws and stopping major hood beefs and trying to uplift the culture! The hat you wear I might own I just don’t be saying nothing.

- Meek Mill

Meek's stance followed his public declaration of interest in entering the podcasting arena. He took to Twitter the previous day (March 16) to express his desire to share his thoughts across various topics on a podcast platform. "I want a podcast deal I have a a lot to say on many different levels!" he expressed. "If you have a podcast business moving slow I can reverse that! From – meek mill – I’ve always been my own media and I wanna join the culture of black media!" 

DJ Akademiks Fires Back at Meek Mill's Podcast Taunts in Online Spat:

Meek outlined his vision for the podcast, aiming to shed light on systemic issues, uplift the Black community, and reconcile public disputes. In response to Meek's podcast ambitions, Akademiks, a seasoned podcaster and Meek's long-standing rival, extended a lucrative offer.

"I’ll offer you a Million dollars upfront for you for 52 episodes," Akademiks replied, presenting the terms of the proposal. "1 a week. We own video and audio, with an option to renew for a second year."

However, Meek remained steadfast in his decision, highlighting his independence and commitment to making meaningful contributions beyond financial gain.

Ultimately, Meek's rejection of Akademiks' offer underscores his determination to leverage his platform for social change and cultural upliftment, rather than simply chasing monetary incentives.

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