50 Cent Reacts to Voletta Wallace’s Criticism of Diddy, Says He Wants to “Slap” Him Too

50 Cent Sides with Biggie’s Mother, Vows to “Slap” Diddy

Hip-Hop Figures Voice Outrage Over Diddy's Assault Incident: Wallace and 50 Cent Join the Chorus
The recent release of disturbing footage showing Diddy assaulting Cassie at a hotel has ignited a storm of reactions. 

Many believe that this incident could irreparably damage the reputation of the Bad Boy Records founder. Despite Diddy's public apology, the backlash has been fierce and unrelenting.

In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Voletta Wallace, mother of the legendary Notorious B.I.G., expressed her shock and disappointment. 

She admitted that her perception of Diddy has drastically changed after seeing the footage. 
Wallace was visibly shaken as she discussed her feelings. "I’m sick to my stomach," she said. 

"I’m praying for Cassie. I’m praying for his mother. I don’t want to believe what I’ve heard, but seeing that video was heartbreaking. I hope he apologizes to her genuinely." Wallace didn’t hold back her emotions, revealing her intentions if she ever encounters Diddy. 

"I hope to see Sean one day, and the only thing I want to do is slap the daylights out of him. And you can quote me on that. I liked him, I didn’t want to believe all the awful things, but I’m so ashamed and embarrassed."

50 Cent, known for his candid opinions and social media presence, has also weighed in on Wallace's comments. 

Sharing a screenshot of an article detailing her remarks, he echoed her sentiments. "LOL," he wrote, "I WANT TO SLAP HIM TOO."

50 Cent Agrees with Voletta Wallace, Calls Out Diddy:

The fallout from this incident highlights the broader issues of accountability and respect within the hip-hop community. 

Diddy, a figure who has long been a prominent player in the music industry, now faces severe criticism from peers and fans alike. 

The comments from Wallace and 50 Cent underscore the deep disappointment and anger felt by many in the industry.

As the conversation around this incident continues, it remains to be seen how Diddy will address the situation moving forward. 

This situation is a stark reminder of the importance of respect and integrity in the music industry. 

It’s a call to all artists to uphold these values, ensuring that their actions align with the influence they wield. 

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